2023 - BCRD - WUERST KAESE SCENARIO - bout 04 - Paris R D vs BCRD Wallstars

4th of 4 bouts in 2 days @ WUERST KAESE SCENARIO with the bout PARIS ROLLER DERBY vs BCRD WALLSTARS hosted by Bear City Roller Derby @ Sporthalle Wrangelstrasse in Berlin

4th of 4 bouts in 2 days @ WUERST KAESE SCENARIO with the bout PARIS ROLLER DERBY vs BCRD WALLSTARS hosted by Bear City Roller Derby @ Sporthalle Wrangelstrasse in Berlin

4th of 4 bouts in 2 days @ WUERST KAESE SCENARIO with the bout PARIS ROLLER DERBY vs BCRD WALLSTARS hosted by Bear City Roller Derby @ Sporthalle Wrangelstrasse in Berlin

4th of 4 bouts in 2 days @ WUERST KAESE SCENARIO with the bout PARIS ROLLER DERBY vs BCRD WALLSTARS hosted by Bear City Roller Derby @ Sporthalle Wrangelstrasse in Berlin

4th of 4 bouts in 2 days @ WUERST KAESE SCENARIO with the bout PARIS ROLLER DERBY vs BCRD WALLSTARS hosted by Bear City Roller Derby @ Sporthalle Wrangelstrasse in Berlin

4th of 4 bouts in 2 days @ WUERST KAESE SCENARIO with the bout PARIS ROLLER DERBY vs BCRD WALLSTARS hosted by Bear City Roller Derby @ Sporthalle Wrangelstrasse in Berlin

4th of 4 bouts in 2 days @ WUERST KAESE SCENARIO with the bout PARIS ROLLER DERBY vs BCRD WALLSTARS hosted by Bear City Roller Derby @ Sporthalle Wrangelstrasse in Berlin

4th of 4 bouts in 2 days @ WUERST KAESE SCENARIO with the bout PARIS ROLLER DERBY vs BCRD WALLSTARS hosted by Bear City Roller Derby @ Sporthalle Wrangelstrasse in Berlin

4th of 4 bouts in 2 days @ WUERST KAESE SCENARIO with the bout PARIS ROLLER DERBY vs BCRD WALLSTARS hosted by Bear City Roller Derby @ Sporthalle Wrangelstrasse in Berlin

4th of 4 bouts in 2 days @ WUERST KAESE SCENARIO with the bout PARIS ROLLER DERBY vs BCRD WALLSTARS hosted by Bear City Roller Derby @ Sporthalle Wrangelstrasse in Berlin

4th of 4 bouts in 2 days @ WUERST KAESE SCENARIO with the bout PARIS ROLLER DERBY vs BCRD WALLSTARS hosted by Bear City Roller Derby @ Sporthalle Wrangelstrasse in Berlin

4th of 4 bouts in 2 days @ WUERST KAESE SCENARIO with the bout PARIS ROLLER DERBY vs BCRD WALLSTARS hosted by Bear City Roller Derby @ Sporthalle Wrangelstrasse in Berlin

4th of 4 bouts in 2 days @ WUERST KAESE SCENARIO with the bout PARIS ROLLER DERBY vs BCRD WALLSTARS hosted by Bear City Roller Derby @ Sporthalle Wrangelstrasse in Berlin

4th of 4 bouts in 2 days @ WUERST KAESE SCENARIO with the bout PARIS ROLLER DERBY vs BCRD WALLSTARS hosted by Bear City Roller Derby @ Sporthalle Wrangelstrasse in Berlin

4th of 4 bouts in 2 days @ WUERST KAESE SCENARIO with the bout PARIS ROLLER DERBY vs BCRD WALLSTARS hosted by Bear City Roller Derby @ Sporthalle Wrangelstrasse in Berlin

4th of 4 bouts in 2 days @ WUERST KAESE SCENARIO with the bout PARIS ROLLER DERBY vs BCRD WALLSTARS hosted by Bear City Roller Derby @ Sporthalle Wrangelstrasse in Berlin
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